15 September 2021 2021-09-25 8:20Books
My Books
Authors: Valerio Capraro
Type: Novel
Language: Italian
Eve, a difficult family situation. Peter, who secretly fights against anxiety. Two complicated souls who casually meet at the birthday party of a common friend, perhaps they recognize each other, for sure they are helped by a conversation, and by a magic word. Their love evolves quickly in a Rome with an oniric atmosphere, and takes the form of an invincible empire, protected by symbols and metaphors. But any romantic couple, even one apparently perfect such as Eve and Peter, constantly walks on a thin thread, in a complex equilibrium like the textures of a cobweb, made of choices, crossroads, doubts, and secrets, confessed or untold, which, day after day, determine their survival or condition their end.
LA SCIENZA DEI CONFLITTI SOCIALI: Divisioni politiche, immigrazione, violenza sulle donne, fake news: cosa ci insegna la ricerca
Authors: Valerio Capraro, Sandro Calvani
Type: Nonfiction book
Language: Italian
Social conflicts are like fires: they can be prevented and extinguished. This book applies the scientific method to shed light on the biological, psychological, and economic roots of some of the most divisive conflicts of our time, including political divisions, immigration, violence against women, and fake news. A strong reading that touches some of the uncovered nerves of humankind.
Introduction to Sofic and Hyperlinear Groups and Connes' Embedding Conjecture
Authors: Valerio Capraro, Martino Lupini
Type: Monography
Language: English
This monograph presents some cornerstone results in the study of sofic and hyperlinear groups and the closely related Connes’ embedding conjecture. These notions, as well as the proofs of many results, are presented in the framework of model theory for metric structures. This point of view, rarely explicitly adopted in the literature, clarifies the ideas therein, and provides additional tools to attack open problems.